A Consistent Estimator of the Optimal Bandwidth
Gregorio Saravia Atuncar, Lupércio França Bessegato e Luiz Henrique Duczmal


We propose an estimator of the optimal bandwidth to be used in the definition of the kernel estimator of the distribution function. By using characteristic function and results from the analysis, we prove that this estimator is strongly consistent in the i.i.d. case. By using the results of this work we improve the Tajima's test. Tajima's test is based on the assumption that the statistic defined in the test follows a beta distribution, but from some simulations results it was found that this assumption in some cases is no correct. In those cases we define the critical region by using kernel estimator.


Palavras-chave               :  Estimação Funcional, Núcleo Estimador, Janela Ótima, Função Característica, Método Plug-in
Áreas do conhecimento :   Métodos Não Paramétricos
Setores de atividade :  Ensaios de materiais e de produtos; análise de qualidade